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How to Invest

The Benefits of Listed Infrastructure

The GLIO supports the major investment management companies, who offer specialist global listed infrastructure focused investment solutions.

Exposure to global listed infrastructure offers investors a number of key benefits including: 

  • Access to a broad investment universe $3trn offering broad diversification across:

    • Geographies:

      • Regions

      • Countries

      • Developed and emerging markets

    • Infrastructure industry diversification across:

      • Utilities

      • Renewables

      • Transportation

      • Energy Transportation & Storage

      • Communications

  • Attractive annualized total returns versus a range of other asset classes

  • ​Attractive yields underpinned by stable cash-flows

  • Defensive qualities (lower draw-downs and Betas) versus equities

  • Liquidity versus direct investment

  • Management experience and knowledge

  • Attractive fee levels versus other alternatives

  • Exchange regulated transparency and disclosure

Investment Manager Members

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